
  • Not just a figure 8

    N scale layout on foam-core board 30" x 55" x 4" deep with 5 turnouts more housing to come. Builder: Joseph Lanelli from United States
  • A small farm in a case

    A beautiful small farm surrounded by a railroad, everything in a case! Builder: John Rogers from United States
  • Local gas station

    Painted Ho scale modern SUVs Builder: Josiah from Shelly, PA
  • Merrie Olde England

    N Scale 21" x 36" From Uptown to Centre City to Industrial Area Victorian City Bldg./ Victorian City shop/ Govt. Dept./ Victorian Tavern/ City Clas...
  • KVE

    Ho freelance mountain railroad Builder: Ronald Funk from the United States  

    H0 1.87 SCALE.Bus terminal,Shop, Main Street Builder: Walter Olivera from U.S.A.  
  • Inspirado en las ciudades de japon

    escala N, zona residencial, módulo 1 de 4 Builder: Joshua Orellana from U.S.A.
  • Coal ready to fill

    N scale Construction Worker Figure Set, Country Farm Tractor Set, Building Old West House, Coal Tipple, and Ore Mining Accessories: Cart Tr...
  • Riot police

      Dutch riot police against protestors. Builder: Jeroen van Dorst from the Netherlands
  • The Tollkeeper's Cottage

    A reconstruction in Z scale for a local community historical group located in the actual 1830s building. Builder: David Wo...
  • Jerry's Used Cars

    Outland Models Car Dealership Builder: Stephen G. Roy from United States
  • County Life

    Moonshiners N-scale Pick-up Truck Set RE202B and Western set-Shed RC830C Builder: David Scheiner from United States