N scale layout on foam-core board 30" x 55" x 4" deep with 5 turnouts more housing to come.
Builder: Joseph Lanelli from United States
N Scale 21" x 36" From Uptown to Centre City to Industrial Area Victorian City Bldg./ Victorian City shop/ Govt. Dept./ Victorian Tavern/ City Clas...
This landscape has a "O" and "HO" Scale trains running through Mons Olympus on Mars, then through Jurassic Park and over the Alaska pipeline, aroun...
H0 1.87 SCALE.Bus terminal,Shop, Main Street
Builder: Walter Olivera from U.S.A.
N scale, outland mall and restaurant, on a busy Saturday afternoon, circa 2005.
Builder: Sven Mitchell from Scotland
Z Scale Used: Model Railroad Scenery Classic Pick-up Truck Set w Goods Scale Z Model Railroad ...
Used the outland cattle shed as a station roof. Based in the 1970s on an island in the Caribbean under ...
Old west real town of Whiskey Flat and Old Kernville in N scale center and HO Scale outer.
Builder: Art Langer from United States
Layout called The Village.Working on it last couple months Top is 44"x72"x38" high
Builder: Emer...
My N scale layout..still in progress is mostly a 5 x 9 designed by myself. Traveling through a autumn country side fr...
Z Scale, a small town surrounded by railway.
Builder: Gregory Carlson from United States
N scale t-track modules of city/station and mountain camping.
Builder: Benjamin Volden from United States