A beautiful small farm surrounded by a railroad, everything in a case!
Builder: John Rogers from United States
N Scale 21" x 36" From Uptown to Centre City to Industrial Area Victorian City Bldg./ Victorian City shop/ Govt. Dept./ Victorian Tavern/ City Clas...
This landscape has a "O" and "HO" Scale trains running through Mons Olympus on Mars, then through Jurassic Park and over the Alaska pipeline, aroun...
Ho freelance mountain railroad
Builder: Ronald Funk from the United States
N scale Construction Worker Figure Set, Country Farm Tractor Set, Building Old West House, Coal Tipple, and Ore Mining Accessories: Cart Tr...
Outland Models Signal Box/Tower mated with Coaling tower- gravel mining conveyor
Builder: Tom from United States
N Scale. First layout in 50 years!
Builder: Nori Paul Morita from Canada
My N scale layout..still in progress is mostly a 5 x 9 designed by myself. Traveling through a autumn country side fr...
N scale
Builder: Bill Fuller from United States
Three alternating scenes on removable wood strips and interchangeable backdrops inside the lid of a z-scale briefcase tr...
Z scale Montana vistas
Builder: Bob Bloss from United States
HO Scale 46" x 32" using Outland Models structures, accessories , figures and a lot of trains from a generous dono...