Mobile On Fire

N scale 3D printed Emergency Vehicles and Fire Apparatus custom detailed, painted and decaled, some also have Nano and Pico size, .0402nano, .0201pico, LEDs and custom Simulator Boards installed. These are for my own N scale modules and for sale to others.
Builder: Rob Jones from United States

3 commentaires

  • I almost forgot: Madrock Models. They are in Turkey but they are right there with the very best! They will also work with you.


    Rob Jones
  • I hunted them down using Google and Bing. Try ebay and and has a couple. If you talk to they will make minor changes to the pumper and Quint for you. They are AWESOME. is pretty good to. There’s 3 or 4 3D printers there.
    I’m here to help


    Rob Jones
  • Where did you find those vehicles? I’ve been looking for them for a while and haven’t found any N scale. Yours looks great.

    Robert van Hoose

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