Merrie Olde England

N Scale 21" x 36" From Uptown to Centre City to Industrial Area Victorian City Bldg./ Victorian City shop/ Govt. Dept./ Victorian Tavern/ City Classic Corner shop/ Locomotive shed/ Country farmhouse shed/ Large factory w/ loading/ Industrial factory/ Small boiler house w/ chimney/ Classic 2 story/ City shops A and B/ Horse drawn Fire engine/ City classic 3 story corner shop/ City classic corner shop/City classic corner market/ City grocery/ City store/ Classic 3 story/ Fresh food and Spices/ Street kiosk, etc....

Builder: Ken Rose from the United States


2 Kommentare

  • Very well done. It has so much atmosphere!

  • This is wonderful and very worth studying for future models!

    Great Briain is so compelling! Your photography is also amazing!

    Marc Wilson

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