Hanging Layout

Layout hanging from the ceiling, movable with an electronic winch. Set up with Kato gauge N Unitrack and Unitram tracks. 4-track oval with turntable, 2 tram tracks and much more. Everything is still largely in the planning phase. But there are already a few buildings and many more will be needed.
Builder: Christoph from Austria

2 条评论

  • Spectacular start! Please let me know, or add a couple of pictures of the winch that also shows how the spooling mechanism is designed. Also, please let me know what the size of the layout rectangular base is; is it a type of door? Thank you! I wouldn’t mind seeing photos as you progress or at milestone events. Really well done! It’s the first system I’ve seen where it looks like is a good size layout. Lastly, do you have an anticipated approximate weight?

  • This looks awesome!!!

